Various expressions of the basis for an organsations existence, Vision, Mission, Purpose, and others, all have different meanings, and certainly different meanings to different people, and have all been misused for years.

Some time ago running an agricultural industry workshop, very early in the proceedings, a bloke down the back piped up & said ” If I have to hear another vision, or mission, I will puke”(or words to that effect). Stopped the conversation cold for a bit, but the comment reflected the simple fact that these expressions have become clichés.

Having an unambiguous expression of why you are here, and the purpose of the business, gives a context to decisions all stake holders make about what they can expect, what is important and why, and what they have to learn, and do better, or more of. It provides a connection between all of the competing agendas and priorities with the simple question: “how will this assist to achieve the purpose of the business?”

Answering that apparently simple question ” why are we here” can be very difficult, but it is worth the effort.