In this digital age, the first contact in most situations is digital, where the marginal cost is approaching zero.

    This simple fact has changed the sales cycle, as this contact can evolve into an offer to become closer, or it can become a barrier, but each party understands implicitly that the rules have changed.

    The question now is not one of how quickly can a sale be closed, or indeed, the process brought to an end, there is more dancing involved, largely because the dancing is cheap, non threatening, and easy. For a sales organisation, there are a few simple  questions:

  1. What sort of digital tools do we need to engage key prospect groups?
  2. How much time and effort should be spent on developing a sale before we reach the go/no go point?
  3. How much do we need to give away?
  4. “Give away” now more often than ever strays into the arena of proprietary IP, as  efforts to differentiate and add value in a commoditised world accelerates