Marketing is mostly about storytelling, engaging people in the emotion of the value proposition, and every presentation you do is a selling opportunity, for an idea, a vision, and  sometimes a product.

Presenting to an audience of strangers is for many people, an experience ranking with a session on De Torquemada’s rack.

Any speech, or presentation will be a failure, irrespective of the quality of the content, if the speaker fails to engage the audience, and like  most things that do not come naturally, practice, preparation, and the assistance of those who have gone before, will make you better.

Here are 13 great tips on how to make the speech of your life, and once you get the hang of it, the buzz can be amazing, after all, how hard is it to get people to listen to you most of the time, and from time to time, if you get good at it, people will pay to hear you.

How good is that?