Most of the best ideas are simple, as is the Net promoter Score (NPS) the brainchild of Bain & Co executive Fred Reichheld.

As it gained currency, its simplicity became blurred by unnecessarily imposed complexity,  often added it seems, just  to make a consulting job seem more complicated.

NPS is really just one simple question:

“How likely are you, on a 1-10 scale to recommend this product/service to a friend or colleague”?

What Reichheld termed “detractors” answer 0-6, “Passives” answer 7 or 8, and “promoters” answer 9 & 10.

A company’s NPS is the percentage of Promoters minus the percentage of detractors. Simple.

The complexity comes often from the sample to whom you direct the question, and it is pretty easy to see how it can be “gamed” by those selections, which happens most often when some senior person reads about NPS, decides it makes sense, and just decrees to the sales force to go ask your customers, and that is exactly what they do, selectively. After all, their bonuses may depend on it.