What is my position?

What is my position?

Over the years I have seen hundreds, probably thousands of statements of various kinds intended to position a company, product, opportunity, and most are crap.

As a marketing graduate decades ago, in one of my first challenging situations, an interview for a job I wanted,  I was asked what “Positioning” meant. My answer which I realised at the time was waffle, indicated I really had no idea.

The answer now  is pretty simple:

“Position is how customers and potential customers see your product, what it looks like through their eyes”.

Doesn’t matter if it is a position statement for a product, or a statement for business, the rules are pretty much the same;

Who is it for,

What is the need,

What is the product,

What is the key benefit to the buyer,

A competing alternative statement

Product name and differentiator.


For example:

For households

Who do not have enough room store all their stuff,

Ebay is an on line auction site

That offers access to thousands of potential buyers

Unlike advertising in local newspapers

Ebay will reach more buyers to get the best price and get you back some room.


Pretty simple really, but the construction takes some thought.