brands are like friends

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People in market research always describe brands in human terms, they are tough, or easy to live with, or friendly, cold, and so on.

It is the easiest way to describe them.

It follows then that when thinking about the dimensions of your brand, you would do it  using “the brand as a friend” as the guiding metaphor.

Ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • What do your customers expect from your brand?
  • What changes would customers accept from your brand?
  • What will customers reward your brand for delivering?

When you can answer them accurately and confidently, you will have a very good picture of your brand.

A while ago I was yarning to the Mum of one of my oldest friends, we met at University, 40 years ago. She was expressing delight that after 40 years Dave and I were still mates. May not see each other for quite a while, but it made no difference at all when we met up again, it is as if it was yesterday we last shared a coffee. (more often a beer)

My response was that old mates are the best mates, because there were few expectations, few surprises, and when they did show up, there were insignificant in the context of the long relationship.

Same with brands.

How would you describe yours?