cash is The KPI


There are lots of forces calling for more and more performance measures, assuming the work to produce the information is easy and cheap.

Rarely is it so.

For a small business owner, being able to go home at night, and get some sleep, is often a function of how he/she feels the business performed that day. How much cash was collected, how much in sales was written, how many transactions were completed. Get those three right, and sleep will usually come.

It is a cliche, but cash is the lifeblood of a business, so knowing your cash position is as important as breathing.

What’s the purpose?

 Your purpose, should be a reflection of why you do what you do and what makes your business unique, and hopefully fun to be a part of. 

It should be an articulation of what you do better than anyone else that creates a “gravity” to which your customers and other stakeholders are attracted. 

 It serves as a filter for ideas, behaviour, and strategy. Anything that does not connect to the purpose, by definition, should not be done, as it is a wate of an opportunity to connect to the foundations of why you are here.

How to prioritise

Prioritising activities is a constant challenge.

Most small business people see the task only in terms of money, or the apparent urgency of the matter. Few consider that their time is the most valuable resource the small busines has, yet they willingly spend huge hours at their desks. 

Your time should be like a supermarket shelf, to put a new product in, one must be taken out. Exercising the same discipline to the tasks for which you allocate your time will gradually see a priority allocation system evolve as you remove the sometimes urgent but not really important tasks in favour of the more important tasks.