Creativity at its heart is a process of either something entirely different, or coming at  something currently around by an entirely different path.

Weather it be a painting, piece of music, a new bit of electronic wizardry, or just a different way of combining inputs to generate an outcome, it is creative, on the edge, risky.

Risk assessment is by its nature a quantifying process of the past and projecting it forward. The conclusions are  usually inhabited by assumptions of little change in the way things work, and come together, the future will be similar to the past, and we all know how well that works.

When we set out to commercialise creativity, we usually try to apply a risk assessment, hoping that oil and water will mix, this time.

Henry Ford, probably the most creative industrialist ever, when asked about the potential acceptance of his new fangled Model T, quipped “If I asked my potential customers what they wanted, they would have told me a faster buggy”. He allowed creativity to have its head. I’m sure he considered risk, but never in the context of projecting the past into the future, he was able to see an entirely different future.  

Creativity is by its nature risky, and without risk, we get no progress.