Making decisions is like any other process, you gather relevant information, consider options, look for the optimum outcomes, and decide accordingly. Right?

Often wrong.

Decisions are often made based on the HiPPO (Highest Paid Persons Opinion) what was done last time, how it would be viewed by others, what the “rules” say should be done, and a host of other drivers that really add little value to the quality of the decision making.

Decision making is like any process, the better that information, and the more objectively it can be analysed, the better  the decision is likely to be.  As importantly, the process is optimised by being sufficiently robust such that if the decision were to be made again, with the same information, but a different , but equally capable group of people, the outcome would be the same.

There are a few questions to be asked of any decision making group:

    1. Where did the data come from?
    2. What analysis has been done?
    3. What is the level of confidence in the outcomes?

Pablo Picasso is reported to have said ” computers are useless, they can only give you answers” which goes to the issue at the heart of decision making, the quality of the questions that are asked and the manner in which that are answered.

How disciplined are your decision making processes?