Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

For 35 years as a corporate  manager and consultant I have been an advocate of, amongst other things, personal accountability, marketing ROI, extensive use of data in decision-making but without eliminating the wisdom of individuals who have “been there, done that”,  socialising businesses with various digital platforms, turning your supply chains around so they become demand chains, and much more.

Many of the 1,100 odd StrategyAudit posts to date have as the core idea the notion of “doing” something rather than just accepting the status quo.

It is only in the last few years that I have come to realise that while the advocacy was based on good solid reasoning coming from domain experience, technical expertise, and common sense, it is not enough by itself.

I have spent lots of time articulating various cases for change considering the “WIFM” (What’s in it for me) question explaining why the proposal was in not only the best interests of the individual, but of the organisation, but fell short of connecting into the reasons the organisation exists, why it deserves the commitment of the individual. Lots about commercial survival, innovation being the only sustainable competitive advantage, the commercial and personal value of simplicity and transparency, but little, as I said, about the big “Why” question.

Now, in a homogenised, connected, and integrating  world, little is more important than articulating the ‘Why” . Spend the time to watch Simon Sinek’s seminal presentation, your competitors almost  certainly have.