For the first time in 8 years of blogging, my rhythm has been disrupted. I have not posted a blog now for almost 2 weeks. Over the 8 years, I have averaged 3 posts a week, a real effort, that has just become part of my routine.

The last two weeks have been an enforced layoff, knee replacements, a result of an active life, with lots of sport and other physical activity.

The rehab and drugs (I made plenty of jokes of a ‘back to the 60’s genre) have made it impossible, but while being still pretty stiff and sore, my brain is at least starting to function again. (knees are still stuffed)

So what.

In my absence, the 1550 blogs already up there continued to garner attention, to attract readers, both old readers coming back for another look, and new, finding me via the various channels I have inhabited over the last 8 years.

It occurred to me that this is the result of the compounding power of effort, and specifically the compounding effect of the slow building of knowledge, because that is what this blog is.

For me, it is a way of recording the varied, and often whacky ideas that emerge from between my ears as I observe the commercial  world that I inhabit. I record all this random stuff, and sometimes it makes enough sense, even to me, that it ends up as a post.

It is not a grindstone, it is a joy, an intellectual journey, and if it helps someone else, that is great, but the base reason is far more selfish; it helps me.

Einstein is reported to have said ‘Compounding is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time’ and if we needed any further proof that he knew  what he was talking about, the continued engagement with StrategyAudit in the absence of any new material proves it yet again,

Thanks for reading, and as the fog clears, I will get back into the swing of it.