Risk and reward of social media.

I wonder at the success of social media, the apparent contradiction between the convention driven and  often stilted behavior that occurs face to face, and the lack of inhibition displayed on social media.

Perhaps this is because the social media offers the illusion of intimacy without the complications of real intimacy experienced face to face, and it suffers no immediate risk of derision or rejection, whereas face to face, these are real risks every time you put yourself out there.

The flip side is that like most things in life, the potential reward has an inverse relationship to the risk accepted.

What is a brand?

A brand is the expression of consumers equity in a product offering. This offering is a mix of tangible and intangible factors, a bundle of benefits, each being inter-related to the others in ways that may vary depending on the differing consumers.

Brand strength = Differentiation x  Relevance of the differentiation.

 If you apply this formula, it may help in the difficult task of making the choices relating to which customers, which channels, which media approach, which opportunity to follow, which brand to invest more in, and so on.

It may also  help to add some numbers to the often qualitiative marketing strategy dicussions, so the CFO can understand what you are doing, and why you are doing it. This is normally useful in a corproate environment.

Responsiveness and responsibility go together.

 In a small business, every action has someone responsible for it, whereas in a large organisation , or worse, a public bureaucracy, nobody has responsibility for the dumb things they do, they just become an automatically imposed “rule” that carries the sanction of the organisation.

Taking responsibility is not just good policy, good for the employees, it is good marketing.

Successful alliances manage the dissimilarities.

Alliances form because organizations have similarities, and commonalities that promise synergy.

However, most alliances fail because they fail to manage the areas if dissimilarity.

Leo Tolstoy  remarked that happy marriages were the result of the manner in which partners dealt with incompatibility, not how compatible they were.

It is the same in a commercial alliance, the literature is full of examples of alliances of one sort or another that emerged because of the prevailing logic of moving into adjacent market areas by merger or take-over, based on seemingly common customers, technologies, channels, or philosophies, only to find a disaster waiting because they failed to see how some  dissimilarity that had not been considered relevant threw a spanner in the works, and cost the alliance. 

After the synergies have been identified and quantified, but before the deal is done, have a separate group look for the areas where there are no synergies, where the organisations differ substantially, and assess their impact on the potential for disruption of the alliance working as well as the optimists predict. 

A tiger of an opportunity

Ironic isn’t it, Tiger Woods has had his squeeky clean image trashed, and in the process has dropped hundreds of millions in endorsements, but his profile has never been higher. Gossip columns, serious discussion in the business pages, piles of stuff on the net from academic analysis to jokes (some pretty funny), surely there are those out there whose products do not depend on the endorsement of the moral right.

The bloke might have his brains wired to the wrong spot, but he is a seriously great athlete, a cross-racial/cultural icon,  and he commands attention, what do you want in a spokesman?.

If I was trying to build a brand of mens grooming product, a mid price muscle car, rugged menswear, and several others, I would be getting out my cheque-book while the price was down, and the exposure was up, (‘scuse the pun)

The communication options to be leveraged are terrific, advertising is almost sure to go viral, and I can almost see it, although it may not do a lot for Tiger’s stated aspiration of saving his marriage, although the chances of that would have to be pretty thin, and I suspect of value only to the spin doctors.