A while ago facilitating a two day innovation session, I became involved in two very different, but very similar conversations during various coffee breaks.

The first was with a smart young technical bloke, who expressed the view that all the nice encouraging words expressed at the session were great, but that the business was too risk averse to actually do anything daring.

The second was with the marketing director, someone with a track record of achievement, skills, and a preparedness to have a shot, to push resource allocation and strategic boundaries. He felt that those he relied on to develop the means to execute the technical end of some of the ideas were too interested in science for the sake of it, and disinterested in the commercial and market issues he had to address.

In effect, they are both seeking the same outcome, but the language of management, the functional cultural preconceptions and perceptions have got in the way of unambiguous communication. 

This is not an uncommon challenge, every innovation effort must work hard to overcome the cultural  and semantic barriers to be successful.

The more attention is focused on innovation, and the higher up the tree that focus emanates from, the better to turn the words into action.