The fundamental problem with ‘digital advertising’ is that there is little competition for ideas.

In the past, with limited availability of media, the competition happened before the public got to see anything, as those that controlled access to peoples eyeballs did the fact checking, curation, and idea vetting.

Now that is gone, and there is unlimited competition without the curation, the competition is for attention, then for head-space.

The competition for attention, now has infinite potential to consume the competition of ideas, hence we have the crap that just keeps coming at us in increasing volume.

There are some versions of curated content on line, where the ideas are curated and vetted as they were before, but they are struggling for survival in the sea of social sharks consuming everything around them of any value, and squirting out shark-shit.

And, that is all before the rampant fraud in the digital ad supply chain is considered.