Have you ever started to read a book, and decided to miss chapter 1?

I guess few ever have.

Miss chapter one, and you miss the foundation of what is to come. It is the first impression, creates the context in which the book is set, irrespective of it being fiction or non-fiction.

Why then do most businesses and their advisors not read chapter 1 of the business improvement handbook?

I know they do not, simply because Cash is such a low priority in these conversations. It is left behind by management clichés and fluffy words about visions and missions.

These things are all important, but in the absence of cash, beyond reach.

How much cash does it take to run your business?

How long is your cash conversion cycle?

What are the sources of the cash you are using?

What are the trends in your free cash flow?

These should be chapter 1 of the business improvement handbook.

When you know the answers, you can move on to the things you can do better to free up more cash, then to the operational, customer and strategic challenges being faced, knowing how much cash you have at your disposal to address these challenges.

Let me know when you need some experienced assistance sorting all this out.