It is the morning of the last day of 2018.

Tonight most of us will gather with friends and family, watch the fireworks, have a few sherbets, and consider what 2019 might bring.

Some of us will make New Year’s resolutions.

Things we decide to do to change our lives, some will be tiny, others huge, most will be things we have had in our minds for some time, and new year’s eve is the traditional time to trot them out (again) for a moment of feel-good.

Most will be discarded a few days into January.

If we know anything about resolutions, it is that they fail unless there is a clear path towards the achievement, and usually we call them goals, or objectives.  

‘Resolutions’ are even easier to discard than goals.

To achieve a goal, there are a few simple steps:

  • It needs to be worthwhile.
  • There needs to be a clear path towards the achievement made up of incremental steps that are individually achievable.
  • We need to be committed to the goal. Hope is not a strategy, we need to be serious and commit.
  • There needs to be performance measures along the way so we can see progress, measure what works and what does not, and adjust as necessary.
  • Be public. Public goals are way better than private ones, let others know, and you will be more committed.

Take those steps, and your chances increase.

Some ‘resolutions’ do not fit the typical path above, such as giving up smoking.

Every smoker and former smoker I know failed many times to give up, and giving up smoking incrementally does not work. When I gave up, 35 years ago, I used a simpler method. I did not give up smoking, again, as doing so had failed comprehensively many times, and is a deprivation, something none of us like. I took up ‘non-smoking,’ a practice that had seen me happy and healthy in the past. It worked; it was a positive goal, not a negative one.

Try seeing your New Year’s goals as positives, things to which you aspire, things that make you feel good, rather than focusing on the negatives.

Don’t set out to deprive yourself.

Have a great 2019, see you there.