Both sides of politics are claiming victory in last Saturday’s by-election.

Labor because they won, and Liberal because they did not lose by much, and anyway they did not expect to overturn a century of precedent in by-elections, despite the PM having high personal approval ratings for the handling of the corona crisis. Largely forgotten is the pathetic floundering that went on over the bushfire season, except by those still waiting on the promised assistance, and living in tents.

What lies underneath is a range of gaps, often chasms, between opposing views and outcomes.

It is not unusual to have substantial socio economic gaps in an electorate, it just seems those in Eden Monaro are more starkly drawn.

Gaps between the coast and inland regions, gaps in the nature of business in the varying regions, lifestyle, wealth, access to public services, and more.

The electoral result is an average, and as with all averages, they can be very misleading.

There are also substantial gaps in the apparent ‘values’ held by differing parts of the electorate, and a huge gap between the promises of politicians seeking a vote, and their performance on the ground.

As a group, we are increasingly cynical and distrustful of those in politics who espouse values, then appear to be acting in a contradictory manner.

These differences produce internal conflict that when combined with a poor economy, starts fights over how the pie is to be divided. There will be pressure on the current Covid induced income support regime, and longer term, to change corporate and individual tax rates, not just to fix the unholy mess they are in currently, but to set out to address the inequities.

However, when you have the gaps in wealth distribution, personal and corporate values, political ideologies, and powerful vested interests, you have a volatile environment, not well suited to making fundamental changes. Therefore we will get more and more Band-Aids stretched over a broken system.

Then you have the external environment to consider. There is geopolitical strife of many colours, the war for trade, technology, talent, capital, and over the systems of government that apply.

Einstein’s first law, that energy is not created or destroyed, it just moves from one form to another, seems to apply to the manner in which the pie is cut. In that process there are always winners and losers, and nobody wants to be a loser, while the winners are usually pre-ordained.

That is the situation we find ourselves in currently, wealth and power are based on increasingly fragile foundations. The implications of those foundations crumbling are challenging to envisage and articulate, and so remain undiscussed in open forums.

As I said, elections are averages, and averages always hide the essential truth.