Writing an email sequence is not as easy, or effective, as the videoed on-line courses (special deal $695, ends at midnight) would have you believe.

The templates and advice is all pretty vanilla although useful, but does not get to the heart of why people buy from you, and how, amidst the tsunami of stuff coming at them, they pick out yours.

Many seem to think digital is different from the old fashioned advertising I grew up with, and it is, tactically, but strategically, it is the same.

A potential customer goes through some sort of journey that differs in every case, but generally follows a process:

  • recognition that there is something of interest out there for them
  • Awareness that the stuff out there has relevance to them as a solution to some sort of a problem they have, or have recognised as a result of the discovery process.
  • The problem now seen becomes something that has a value in its solution
  • There is activity seeking that solution
  • Choosing a supplier, and installation of the solution
  • The after sales process, where they can be persuaded, assuming you did a good job, to be an advocate for the problem you solved for them, and more specifically for you as the solution provider.

The process by which this all happens is not a nice logical ‘Sales funnel’ where progress is made in an orderly manner. In reality is looks more like a huge ball of tangled fishing line, a real mess. Seeking to put order to the mess makes sense so long as you do not lose sight of the simple fact that the whole thing will resist the orderly, sequential nature of software, and revert to the mess at any and every opportunity.

The targets of your ‘content’ at each stage also has wrinkles.

You have current customers, the easiest to reach, potential customers, those you really want to reach who may have the problem unrecognised, some who may have recognised their problem, and you have advocates, those who might amplify your content.

The further audience is the wider community, out of whom all the other three groups emerge in one way or another.

Therefore, you need to mix and match between the mediums and the message to maximise the outcomes of the investment in content. You do this by the combination of focus on specific market personas. This includes personalised messaging of current and past customers, as well as more general communication of the problem/value proposition equation to gain reach into the varying audiences, to generate marketing leverage.

How deeply have your considered your mix of content and medium to reach your preferred audience?


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