Almost every ‘About us’ dropdown on websites is, as expected, about the owner of the website.

Who started the company, where they  went to school, how they came to be in Sydney, Seattle, or Bullamakanka, how great you are, and some soppy stuff about your story. How you pulled yourself out of adversity, and became successful, all meant to build empathy.

Well, mostly it fails badly.


People are not really interested in your story. They may listen, may even feel for you, but what they are really  interested in is what you can do for them, what useful information you can provide, what problem you solve, and the impact of that solution on their lives.

Why else would they be on your website?

When they arrive for a look, you have only a few seconds to engage them, wasting those precious seconds by talking about yourself does not seem to me to be too smart!

So, make your ‘About Us’ page really about them

How you can solve the problem they have, how and why working with you and your product will deliver them success.

Go through the bio’s of employees you may have on the page and do the same thing. What is it that each person brings to the table that solves the problem the potential customer.

Focussing on yourself might create a little empathy, but that is well short of genuine interest and a willingness to give you money to solve a problem they have.

Call me assistance thinking about this stuff.