Amongst all the blather about remote work, there is an aspect that has received little attention, but in a couple of my clients is beginning to make itself known.

The ‘remote work’ idea is not applicable to everyone.

Office workers of all types are able to some extent, work remotely. They are saving commute time and money, childcare is more flexible, ‘family friendly’ and potentially delivering savings to their employers and to themselves.

However, those in factories, on building sites, driving trucks, are not able to work remotely, and find these benefits.

This is starting to cause friction. Those still punching a time clock, and subjected to the disciplines of shifts are starting to resent the freedom accorded to white collar workers.

During the covid lockdowns, it was OK, they understood. However, now the lockdowns are over, and the whiteys are still workingfrom home, or are they really working at all, or just logging in from the local café or pub?.

Why are they the lucky lot?

The benefit they are getting, dropping the kids to school, lunch with friends, and all the rest being denied to the blue collars.

They are getting pissed, and management needs to start considering the impact and implications of a differing set of expectations across the breadth of their workforce.