Every person in business has two crucial and potentially synergistic assets.

  • Your skill, capability, and distinctive way of adding value to a customer.
  • Your network.

One without the other is not much use, together they are multipliers of each other, synergistic.

A little bit of skill and a great network will deliver a living.

Great skill but no network will deliver a living.

Great skill together with a great network will not only deliver a great living, but it will also deliver personal satisfaction.

Skill x Network  = Leverage.

Leverage is the ability to do more with less, something we should all be striving to achieve.

We are social animals,  we need at a primal level to be acknowledged, respected, and trusted by others.

As business people, we all need to have at our disposal a range of skills and capabilities that make us attractive to our customers.

When we have both, the trust of others and capabilities that add value to others, not only are we likely to be successful, but it is more likely we will be a rounded, balanced and happy person.